Thursday, December 18, 2008

Permissions: NTFS, share, etc.

I'll post a few links, but I'm wondering aloud if all of our school districts use best practices when creating folder/file structures and assigning permissions. I know of issues with web sites being hacked, with our previous SIS package 'requiring' too many privileges to critical files and situations where a user claims that another user deleted content from their folder.

There are some good articles that explain the various permission settings that are available. This article gives an overview of share, NTFS folder and special permissions with some screen shots. An MCSE prep site gives some similar examples. I also found some tips and best practices.

If you're struggling with this, I would advise searching on terms related to the problem and to K-12 as well. A search like this led me to a good message board post where a district was setting up a homework folder for students to turn in their homework assignments.

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