Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Common Craft

I'm not sure if you can make use of this service but, if not, you can at minimum take some of the spirit from Common Craft in your own creation of instructional content.

Common Craft is a simple and interesting concept. They take certain relatively complex subjects and create videos of roughly three minutes to explain this concept. It sounds simple enough, but it's obvious that a good bit of time and effort resulted in each of these productions. You can view their content online and can purchase individual or site licenses to use these videos in your own environment.

Their topics include technology items such as cloud computing and Twitter search. (As an aside, the cloud computing video might be a very good way to explain hosted email and other services to your teachers and staff.) There are also money concepts like borrowing and saving money and social concepts like the process of electing our President.

...and what video library would be complete without knowing how to deal with a zombie attack. :)

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