Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Collaboration - who knows who might find you...

I talked to John David Son this morning, who was surprised to see that his district had been recognized as part of a rather popular blog. The blogger is attempting to find model 21st-century schools and districts. JD swears that he didn't submit his own name (hmmm) and that someone, somewhere had submitted their district for inclusion.

It's not a bad link at all. When I look at the highlights for some of these districts, I note that we have several districts doing these very things. Let's not lose sight of the fact that, in comparison to the majority of other school districts around the country, our state and region has nothing to be ashamed of when discussing technology in our environment.

1 comment:

JDS said...

Amen! And no - I didn't submit our name. Although Graves appeared shortly after UJDMC contacted me about it. :)